WADA You Think About Supercross Now?

Photo: Jake Klingensmith Courtesy of MotorcycleUSA.com

It’s been several days since the almighty hammer of the FIM was lowered on James Stewart for violating the WADA (World Anti-Doping Administration) rules in Supercross during the 2014 season. Stewart tested positive for amphetamines after the Seattle Supercross, amphetamines that were not of the illegal variety, but from his prescription of Adderall, a popular attention deficit disorder medication. The FIM along with WADA levied a 16 month suspension on Stewart, which is retro-active to his failed test date. This means Stewart is banned from competition in any AMA/FIM sanctioned event until August of 2015. If his appeal is lost, Stewart will only be allowed to race 2 rounds of the Lucas Oil Motocross season, and will be absent from every starting gate during the Monster Energy Supercross season.

Blame The Adderall

Probably 95% of the motocross fan base in America is screaming from the rooftops that this penalty is far too great for the crime committed. However, I am not one of those 95%. Disagree if you’d like, that’s why we have room for comments below. The AMA/FIM announced before the start of the 2014 season that they would be drug testing with WADA governing over the enforcement over it. They were following in the footsteps of the Lucas Oil Motocross series ran by MX Sports who used USADA’s (United States Anti-Doping Administration) guidelines during the 2013 Outdoor Motocross series. All athletes were aware of the testing and were notified to get T.U.E.’s (therapeutic use exemption) if they were on any sort of prescription medication so that the tests would be accurate for each racer’s needs. According to many racers who were vocal about the testing, the test administrators asked multiple times before samples were taken if the athletes were on ANY kind of medication at all. This included prescription medication and over the counter medications like your common cold or allergy pills. Since Stewart’s camp claims that he has been on prescription Adderall for several years, Stewart HAD to know what there was special paperwork to fill out and at the very least, when he gave his sample, he should have spoken up. He did not.

WADA Doesn’t Care Who They Suspend…Motocross and Supercross Is Not Immune To Punishment

For those unfamiliar with Adderall, it is mainly prescribed for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. It is a focus enhancing medication. It does however had a huge presence on the black market, initially favored by college students who need to stay up for many hours at a time to prepare for exams or even to focus during exams. In the sports world, trainers and athletes figured out over the last few years that the medication in Adderall helped them focus longer, train harder, and gain an edge over their competition. In Major League Baseball for example, T.U.E’s for adderall are on the rise, enough so that USA Today even covered it. Adderall is so widely used in Baseball that 10% of the players in the majors have T.U.E’s for it, and that number is expected to rise. Considering that many claim that hitting a baseball is one of the hardest things to do in all major sports, where even the best hitters in the game hit the ball and reach base 30% of the time, I think you see the power of Adderall.

With that being said, Adderall isn’t illegal. You can use it as long as you have a T.U.E. for it. In fact, James Stewart has a T.U.E. for it now, however, he didn’t at the time of the test, meaning he broke the rules. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. I learned that from a D.A.R.E. officer in elementary school. James knew that he was taking the medication, perhaps he didn’t know it was illegal, but I know if I was submitting to a drug test and they are asking me if I had taken ANYTHING at all prior to the test, I would mention a cough drop just to make sure. I don’t feel sorry for James. James is still being supported by his sponsors, will still be at races and the “Free James Stewart” movement is off the charts in popularity. James broke the rules and he’s going to spend most of his 2014 season probably doing really cool things with Red Bull, keeping his name out there and training for his return. He said in a statement that he thought about retirement, but the huge amounts of fan support convinced him otherwise. While I don’t consider myself a James Stewart fan, there is no denying his talent or his star power. When he doesn’t make mistakes he can do things on a motorcycle that no one else in the world can do. There is no denying that.

James Will Have A Lot More Time To Chill In His Garage

With James Stewart not joining the 450 class for the Monster Energy Supercross Season what does that mean? Well, nothing. Though fans say they are boycotting the series, they won’t. Anaheim 1 will still be a sell out, the live TV ratings will be incredible and Supercross will march across the nation playing to sold out stadiums. Those 3 people who are staying home because their favorite rider isn’t racing won’t even make a dent. We just won’t have James. For the 2015 season, honestly, I didn’t see James being a threat. I do believe James would have won an event, possibly even two or three, but I don’t think he has the staying power to pull through a whole season. While he is a two time champion, those were in much different times. That was also nearly 6 years ago. In 2015 I believe we have 7 potential winners lining up WITHOUT James Stewart joining them. Ryan Dungey, Chad Reed, Ken Roczen, Trey Canard, Eli Tomac, Davi Millsaps and Justin Barcia I believe will all visit the top step of the podium at least once. While James will be on the side lines, if all of the riders stay healthy (which is rare), we will all be treated to what could be the best season in Supercross history in it’s 40th year. Enjoy your vacation James.

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2 thoughts on “WADA You Think About Supercross Now?

  1. Maybe a fine but as long as he’s clean now and that he’s got the paperwork that he’s been on for a while I think it’s bullshit to be out the whole season

  2. Well written article except for the last paragraph. To say that he is irrelevant as a competitor is silly. You are clearly a doubter. I say he had as good of a chance as any of those guys to win it all this season. I know that personally, watching the races last night was not the same. It lacked the excitement that I felt when he was on the line. I am sure that just as many fans will watch but there are more ways to measure the success of the SX races and with #7 out that level of excitement just went down for me. And I am sure that I am not alone.

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