Victory Motorcycles Taking It Next Level

Picture this. You are out riding your Sportbike/Cruisier/Vintage/Bagger on a beautiful Sunday afternoon on one of your favorite roads. As you round the corner a smile comes across your face as you see a set of twisties on the horizon. But the question is what happens next? Do you just settle into the seat or do you slide forward and get in an aggressive stance ready to attack the road or track?

Well I am not sure what your answer was but I know mine is very similar to the new video that just dropped from Victory Motorcycles featuring their two amazing Athletes Tony Carbajal and Joe Dryden. This might not be your idea of a good time but you have to love what these boys are able to do with 800lb motorcycles. It definitely doesn’t hurt that the Victory Cross Country and the Victory Magnum in the video were outfitted with Llyod Motorworks Superchargers. Yes you read that correct, SUPERCHARGERS. Regardless, Joe and Tony make it look like a walk in the park on a Sunday.

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