This is Bree

I guess I will use this first entry to introduce myself to those of you that have no idea who I am, and say hello to all the people that have watched my interesting journey over the last decade and half around the Professional Road Racing Industry. For the people who know me, I am referred to as Bree a.k.a. “Crazy girl” who seems to be always on an interesting adventure either here in the States or abroad.
Since my late teens, I have been lucky enough on an almost everyday basis to be around all things two wheeled. My love of two wheels came around when I was about 5 or 6 and saw my first motocross race. I quickly became obsessed, and tried to find as many reasons as I could to be around dirt bikes whenever I could. I have never been any good on a bike, and more often than not I would end up being thrown off my bike one way or another, and having the bikes land on top of me like they owned me. The thing is my bikes and my obsession did own me. I would literally find any excuse to throw my often badly bruised legs over a bike and give it another try.
Throughout my journeys I have met some pretty damn inspiring people, and some major assholes too. One of those inspiring guys, who happens to be a massive part of Motofeed, actually thinks I have some interesting stories to tell and has asked me to become a regular contributor on this site. I jumped at the chance, and now here I am. I do hope people out there will enjoy what I have to say or at the very least have a laugh or two.
I have spent the last 12 or so years working in the AMA Professional Road Racing paddock. My start happened to be in bright colored Corona Spandex suit as a promotional model. Granted I have never been one to wear provocative clothing or want to be judged because I get paid to do so but it the opportunity was too good to pass up. If it wasn’t for the guys on the Corona team I wouldn’t have been able to be around racing almost every weekend, meet some of my very best friends and eventually run race programs and see riders I work with on the top of the box.
I have never made a ton of money but in all honesty I wouldn’t trade anything I have done and the “career” I chose for anything in the world. I may be in somewhat of a limbo right now and trying to figure out where my place is within the two wheeled industry but I still have some great things lined up.
My next few entries on Motofeed will focus on the adventures I have had this past year and all the really cool and unique opportunities I have lined up in the next few months. Next up for me is helping as much as I can with Melissa Paris (Professional Road Racer) and the upcoming Iron and Clematis Event with the Vintage Iron Club crew.
So sit back, grab a Chimay and have a read!!
Hi Bree,
Nice to get acquainted with your story. I’ll keep following your journey through here and the instagram realms. Keep it up.
– Enrique @eparrillaphotos
Great start! I’m IN!
Awesome article Breeann. Best of luck to you in all your journeys. Your amazing. And your contributions to the racing world on and off the track from what I can see and what I have read are spot on. Nobody does it better. You bring all your stories to life. This is ofcourse from a Mother’s point of view. But I am very proud of you and wish you all the best in your future journeys with the racing world on and off the track.