Regulation changes: testing, wildcards and wet race starts

The Grand Prix Commission has made some changes across all three classes for the 2020 season
The Grand Prix Commission, composed of Messrs. Carmelo Ezpeleta (Dorna, Chairman), Paul Duparc (FIM), Herve Poncharal (IRTA) and Takanao Tsubouchi (MSMA), in the presence of Carlos Ezpeleta (Dorna), Mike Trimby (IRTA, Secretary of the meeting), Corrado Cecchinelli (Director of Technology), Danny Aldridge (Technical Director), Mike Webb (Race Director and Franck Vayssié (CCR Director) in a meeting held in Madrid on 27th. November 2019, made the following decisions:
Sporting Regulations – Effective Season 2020
Testing Regulations
Currently, teams have only been allowed to test not contracted riders at tests by replacing their contracted rider for injury or another reason.
Furthermore, as there is no longer private testing in the MotoGP™ class, (only allowed for manufacturers with concessions) it makes it difficult for the rest of the MotoGP™ manufacturers and teams to test other riders for the future.
The Grand Prix Commission has approved a change to the regulations as follows:
All classes:
Teams may substitute their contracted rider for all or part of a test, provided that the maximum number of test days is respected, and that the substitute takes the place of the contracted rider, i.e. both cannot be on track at the same time. Such substitute riders must be approved the Selection Committee.
Moto3™ and Moto2™ classes:
Any replacement or substitute rider is deemed to be the original rider for the purposes of counting test days, so test days accumulate for both rider and team (that is, a team cannot have more test days by changing riders and a contracted rider cannot have more test days by changing teams).
The effect of these changes is that teams will have the opportunity to evaluate the competence of non-contracted riders for future use as a substitute or replacement rider. It also gives the opportunity for teams, and the selection Committee, to assess the performance of riders who might be proposed as contracted riders for subsequent seasons.
Wild Cards – MotoGP™ class:
Currently, MotoGP™ class Manufacturers are not permitted to nominate wild card entries for consecutive events.
The Commission have agreed that this restriction should be removed for those manufacturers who benefit from concessions. Such manufacturers are permitted a maximum of six wild card entries and scheduling applications for events that are not consecutive has proved difficult, particularly when some riders are also committed to other Championships like MotoE™.
Wet Race Start Procedure for Moto3™ and Moto2™:
To bring this procedure into line with similar regulations that involve a delayed start. The Commission has agreed that the restarted race will be 2/3 of the original race distance.
(Story and photo from