Reach out and help someone

It’s been a while since I have posted a blog, but I figured now was the right time. Last weekend I dragged some friends of mine down to Virginia International Raceway to attend Round 3 of the newly formed series Moto America.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to go to be honest; I am not good at just being a race fan. No matter the heat or the stress it was always great being part of a race program and feeling like the people at the track were my second family, you know the family you hate and love, right!

But seriously I needed to suck it up and go enjoy the weekend. One person I know I wanted to see when I got there was #13 Melissa Paris. If you don’t know her you should. She is currently contesting the 600 Supersport Championship after finishing a successful season racing over in Spain for the FIM CEV Repsol Championship. When Melissa decided to race back here in the states she did everything right, she lined herself up with a great team, began testing and racing in the AFM and other club racing series. She put her head down and secured her sponsors for the season. Her sponsors provide monetary and product support. Sponsors are an essential part of any racers program and unless you have been hiding under a rock or don’t follow two wheeled motorsports, sponsors aren’t easy to come by, especially those you want money from.


All was fine and dandy so Mel thought and then after the first round at COTA she got the news that a sponsor of hers had to back out of their commitment and was going to leave her $30k shy of what she needs to continue her racing for 2015. Melissa has always been great at finding sponsors, and handling her own racing stuff. She definitely has people around her that offer support and guidance but for the most part she is a one woman PR/Management/Athlete type of person.


When this happened Melissa confided in some of her close friends and of course her husband, she brainstormed and brainstormed until her brain felt depleted and that’s when the idea of teaming up with Dark Horse Pro’s came about. Melissa has never asked her fans to help with her racing; she has always just relied on them to cheer her on at the racetrack. After deciding to team up with the guys over at Dark Horse Pro, Melissa had to reach out to all of her sponsors and ask if they would help her on top of already helping her with her race program. She really has some great sponsors behind her that had donated some great rewards for her fans. From Vortex Superbike Grips to A Private day at the Hayes/Paris Compound, there is something for everyone.


It took a lot for Melissa to decide to do this and ask her fans for help. In my opinion it’s even harder than the actual campaign itself. Today the campaign is 8 days in and because of the great fans she has out there she has reached 37% of her goal. The campaign only lasts 30 days and if she doesn’t meet her goal she won’t see any of the money already raised.

I’ve been asked a few times about how people can support Melissa and this campaign. The obvious sign is head on over to the Dark Horse Pro Campaign and choose an award and click that fancy contribute button on the bottom of the page. And seriously even $5 helps. If you can’t help financially why not copy and paste the link onto your social media and share it with your friends. The more people we reach and get the word out to the better.

Why am I so passionate about this and even taking the time to write something? The answer is simple, I want to see this sport succeed and I want to see the people who work their asses off day in and day out to be able and continue racing. And it just so happens I look up to Melissa and she is a constant source of motivation for me!

So be rad click the link below, make a donation and then high five yourself for helping keep Melissa on the track.

Melissa Paris : 2015 MotoAmerica Roadracing Championship

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