How To Register For The 2017 Blowsion World Finals

If you did not preregister and/or prepay your entry fees for the 2017 Blowsion World Finals, don’t worry, you still can. It just takes more time and costs more money now. Persons wanting to enter the event may register at Havsasu Powersports at 1:00 PM on Saturday, September 30. 1040 North Lake Havasu Ave. Show up, take a number, and shop. Then impatiently ask the registration staff how much longer. Afterwards, drive down the street to Tech One and see what they have for sale. While there, complain about how long it takes to register. Come back to Havasu Powersports and be disappointed that your number isn’t being as closed to being called as you would have hoped. After all this is done, reflect that you would have been done much sooner if you had preregistered.

It wont really be as bad as described above. But, if you had preregistered you could have taken a number at 11:00 AM. See you Saturday.

(From an IJSBA press release)

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