How to Finish a Race in the Most Epic Way Possible [Video]

The video above details the strange sport of Ultra4 racing, in which four-wheel vehicles of many shapes, sizes and quality attempt to cross rocky, cruel terrain as quickly – and to a soundtrack of as much whooping – as possible.

But don’t concern yourself with the regulations or, y’know, safety of Ultra4 racing. All you really need to know is this: the unnamed driver of this green RZR XP 1000 buggy has won motorsport’s ‘crossing the finish line’ competition once and for all.

Approaching the final jump, our hammer-footed hero rather overcooks things, landing nose-first an agonising few feet short of the end. But instead of conceding defeat, he cunningly embraces physics to launch into a perfect front-flip, propelling the buggy over the line and – here’s the best bit – taking out the ‘FINISH’ banner for good measure. Hero.

Skip through to the 50-second mark to see the final flourish in all its glory, but we reckon the flailing build-up is well worth a watch too.

We’re told the fearless driver bagged a bonus 500 dollars for destroying the banner.


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