…….and here come the degenerates.

I know what you are thinking. Street Freestylers, Stunt riders, wheelie poppers, etc are not part of the motorcycle industry. We are the ginger step child that you hated so much growing up. We have disgraced your beloved motorcycle community, pissed off the police, and drawn national attention for acting like degenerate kids without parents.
You are right, to a point, but I am here to change your impression of the “Wheelie Industry.” From experience I know that many of you couldn’t care less, and nothing I say could change your perception of the stunt riding scene. That’s okay. I don’t need to win all the battles to win the war. Now, before we get into the basics of wheelies and the world of stunt riding, please allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Chris “Tice” Theis and I am the Director of Competition for the XDL National Championship. I also own a V-Twin Stunt Team called the StreetCowboys. Since I can remember, my whole life has been surrounded and controlled by a wheel in the air. As a competitor, emcee and rider I have traveled the U.S. and world putting on competitions and entertaining motorcycle enthusiasts. I’ve toured Central America with Red Bull Athlete Aaron Colton, Asia with XDL and Aaron Twite, I have performed on Military bases across the U.S. including Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Major events like MotorGP, Formula One, International Motorcycle Show etc. I think you get the point. I never would have imagined at 17 years of age, when I bought my first sport bike, that I would see the world because of a motorcycle.
So, I think that is enough about me. I mean how does one really describe themselves without sounding like a conceited asshole? I haven’t figured it out, so I am going to do it the smoothest way that I can think of, subliminal blog posts.
My main goal with this blog is to share with you what I think is cool. Maybe it’s sport bikes, maybe it’s Harleys, dirt bikes, pedal bikes or a cat falling off of a window sill. I don’t really know. I am not great with planning or anything like that. I’ve made it the last 32 years flying by the seat of my pants with my hair on fire and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.
If you have questions, want answers or just want to tell me how much you hate my blog post, please feel free to email me at
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